Wednesday, July 1, 2020

In Grade 1, our teacher marked my classmates absent because of me (and an accomplice)

I think I'm the only one in the class who still remembers this story.
(Disclaimer: Photo is from Grade 2, can't find a Grade 1 pic)

In my elementary school, everyone must gather at the quadrangle every morning for a flag ceremony before the start of classes.

I was then in Grade 1 when one day, I felt lazy to go. Another lazy classmate joined me in hiding so we wouldn't have to go with our classmates to the flag ceremony.

While we waited in our classroom, I thought of a supposedly funny plan which was to switch my classmates' bags. Every seat, I swapped the school bags in them and my classmate helped me.

Soon, classmates returned from the quadrangle and were surprised to see their bags in different seats.

As clueless as they were (we were only six to seven years old), they might have believed there was a new seating arrangement so they proceeded to where their bags were newly placed. Only I and that classmate were in our original seats while we laughed silently.

When our teacher stepped in, she was surprised too but had a different reaction.

She was angry. Maybe she thought it was a ploy of the whole class.

My smile turned into a gasp when she announced that everyone not in their proper seats would be recorded as absent for the day.

I felt sorry after the teacher's verdict but I do not remember what happened for the rest of the day.

What I remember is that I and that classmate got away from what turned out to be an evil scheme. And I get reminded of it from time to time until now.

I hope our teacher did not mean marking them as absent though. And I'm sorry, classmates! Hahaha. You may not remember that day anymore but here I am revealing this only after 13 or 14 years.


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The Writer in Tet-Tet

When Tet-Tet qualified for the first time in the National Schools Press Conference in 2015, he started this blog to share some of his remarkable feature articles, several of them are his winning pieces.

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